Friday, January 1, 2010

Before the first day of year 2010 is over , i'm gonna post about my new year resolution .

1 ) Get a good result for my O level . ( I'm getting myself tuition ! Yay )

2 ) I got to control how i spent my money . WANT & NEED .

3 ) I hope i get to go out with friends more often , and getting my time more organized .

4 ) I'm gonna be a good boy . I real good one .

5 ) I wanna get myself cool cool gadgets .

Okay , I'm done with my top 5 resolution !

Now , it's my wish list for my up coming birthday which is in two weeks time ! ( counting from 2nd Jan )

Very first of all !

Panasonic Lumix Camera Model GF 1 !

2nd . Anything from Burberry ! Except Perfume , i detest theirs .

Anything from Fred Perry as well !
Okay , you got to know all these are hard to achieve !

As long as I've got a nice present that's from you , i will love it !
I'm gonna bug my sister for the camera & hopefully she gets it for me . Chances are not that high either .

Okay , anyway , i can't wait for my birthday ! Woooooo . hope to get surprises . I love them ! Haha . Okay , ciaos .


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