Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hahah, was told to do this for him :x HAHHAAHAH. opps. Anw, 老了!! :x YAY, though you are younger than me.LOL, 7teen alr. Must be mature & live your life to the fullest! ((: *SMILES* You know, it's a pleasure knowing you. hahaha, from hi; bye friends to bandmates, then close friends & eventually Laopa & Erzi.

This journey was AWSOMEEEE! :D

really. You had been a great friend & laopa! When i was down in the past , you were there! (: thanks alot! xD hahaha, well.In sec 5 now, better study hard alright? :D want to see you becoming the top scorer for Os! :D you better uh! :D then we can go poly tgt!! Provided i do well too.Haha, hope you enjoy yourself later. YEAH! xD

Last of all,
Here wishing you..
A Sweet & Happy Birthday! :))

Withloves, Jianwei (:


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