Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hey sucker Loke, a very Happy 17th Birthday to you okay? Hmm, I don't know what to say but well, we are now in different school so I guess I should I really talk to you a lot before you give up halfway through this tough year, working for your O levels. I know it'll be difficult 'cause even N levels was a super stressful year for us, so this year is gonna be so much tougher. Not here to demoralize you okay, and instead you should feel motivated by this. I want you to pass okay, you MUST passsss. If you don't, hmm... let me think of something first, currently, all I can think of is a day of lunch and dinner.... I'll add on to it if I think of some other. I'll add on, not replace it okay? Hahahaha!!! LOSER! LOL! :)

And you know something so amazing? We've only knew each other for like, 2 years plus. Like woah, it seems as though we knew each other for like many many years. Be it the way we talk, the way we behave, the way we laugh our ass off everytime, whatever topics we even talk about, it's just so amazing okay, like seriously. Felt like a good friend for many many years. Cool. And the fact is, it's only 2 years.

Okay, just wanna let you know that, no matter what happens during this tough year, and when you really need someone to talk to, I am always here. No matter what is it, you can just talk to me about it. Don't keep it to yourself, I know you love to bottle things up and then explode one fine day. If you think that's fine, you seriously need to be fined! Whoever it is, talk to someone. You know how sucky it feels like...... It's terrible man! You have got so much things to cope, I know you'll just get so stressed up man, it's part of life. No matter how hard it is, how difficult the time will be, do not give up! Because I have faith in you and I know you will perform well in whatever you need to do!

Ah yes, thank you so much for planning on my birthday... Really, I am really very happy to have friends like all of you and today, you're the limelight.... SO yeah, I am sooooo glad to have such an awesome friend like you okay! Thank you Lokeeeeee! I don't know how to express my gratitude towards this friendship we share. So hmm, I'll just do it by maintaining such a good friendship for the rest of our lives okay! And if I've ever made you angry or upset, I am sorry. 'cause sometimes, people just do not have the guts to apologize but deep in their heart, they are very sorry. So yeah, I am still one of them until you read this! I think we had some arguements/quarrels last time? But we still get back to square one damn soon 'cause we've got this very strong bond within us! Yup! Hahahaha. I am never a good planner so I don't plan parties or whatever. No plans for you doesn't mean you don't mean anything. You mean a lot 'cause you have been a great friend, a great listener, a great laughing partner, a great good friend of mine! Really. Thanks for tolerating all those craps I could ever produce. :)

Even though we are living different lives right now, there's something common we share and which is this friendship which will never die kay! There's something we must do, more frequently. Or whenever we are free. And which is to GET OUT AND EAT NICE NICE FOOD! Must introduce once you get to know where to eat nice nice foood hor! Don't be selfish, when you think about food, don't forget meeeee! OKAY?!?!?!?! Hahahaha. I don't know how to make you cry la, i write so long liao, I think it's so not touching can. Okay I AM A PIG THEN. But at least, all these are my heartfelt words..... :) Thanks for being part of my lifeeee and I hope you'd do well for your O levels. I know I can't possibly ask you to enjoy your 2010 'cause I know it's gonna sucks! HAHAHAH but with me around, everything rocks biggest and fattest time! :D

Cheesssyyyyyy lines all over. ANd it ends right here.

By: Your dirtiest but most loveable friend ever! :D


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