Saturday, January 16, 2010


Today is your birthday, puffy boy! I feel so happy for you. Being 16 years old is SO yesterday aye? (I'm still stuck in yesterday). However, It's about time that you're 17 while I stay at 16 (for 30days). Being 16 together was too awesome I cannot stand it anymore please. To be honest, I feel like strangling your neck... about... um... at least 30 times a day when we see each other.


Let me see... When I think of you, I think of ME WAITING FOR YOU AT PP MRT . Stop smiling I know you're smiling. But It's the truth. Hey Can I start from when we're 13 pretty please? MY FAVOURITE.

Loke I noticed that our trumpet batch (S1) that time very noob but always encourage each other to play. HAHA. Damn funny. You should see how tiny&fat we were then. Imagine.

&those times were so damn funny. &I still rmr the first time we go home together in 107 when we were in sec 1. You said you were late and made me wait for two 107(s) when you were behind me the whole time. You don't know how mad angry I was with you. & You kept disturbing my neatly-tied pony tail ):

I don't think we're that close at 14yrs . You don't seem to ring a bell in my head. Wow. But somewhere at the end, I joined the band clique & the party starts from there, right wg? Everyday bully me about Nara and all the horny strange stuff that all of us talked abt together on the way for dinner after every band practice.
PS; Loke, This was the year (The Lie) starts ya? Remember?! HAHAHA.

When we're 15 we are getting awesome. Cos the band clique was SO ON about everything. We got our posts and everything. Dinner every band practice, it never gets boring. Then the sec 4s left for their Olevels break ): So the clique left 2 of us only. Sad like nuts. But after that we go to school and come home together everyday (YOU WERE EARLY 1... 2...3....... 4.... I don't know, I can count it with my fingers, Loke!) I ditched my neatly-tied pony tail for a ridiculous bed head pony tail (but it looks stylo milo to me, because It's not to the point where I looked like I just woke up) &I remember you didn't like it and wanted me to comb it HAHAHAHAHAHA.

When we're 16, you were a pain in my ass.
We quarrelled.
I remember, It was my birthday week.
I hated you like crap, I never wanted to see your face.
Ever again.
But we gave each other second chances a little over one month later. & start the friendship all over again. Like you always say, "Back to square one." We only started going to school and coming home again... After syf? Actually I still feel a little angry when I think about this. You made me skip breakfast lunch and dinner that day because I was too angry to eat. We quarreled over lunch infront of ... people. Remember? We still go home together that day but after that. No more. Aft SYF everything falls into pieces slowly yeah? Then there were the rumors ): But the rumors comes from your side and mine. So we were caught in the middle. I remember the day we went out to study. Cannot concentrate. You vandalized my calculator with your stupid green highlighter. & I don't know what we talked about, I remember we laughed so badly for so long. After that day we don't dare to go out to study tgt EVER AGAIN. We never did anymore anyway.

I hope you have not forgotten all these Loke, Cos sometimes it's the little things that I remember about you. I can see you Birthday boy. You're snoring.
HAHA; K la k la, kidding.
Anyway it was really nice having you around. I know many people have many misconceptions about us because from far it may look like 'the obvious' when we're walking together but they don't know what we're up to! Like I said! I will feel like strangling you at least 30 times everyday! If you're mine you're probably dead since ages ago!!! But but but You're a great listener! I think i think i think you know all my problems already! I collect more then I tell you okay? (: Hurhur.

Must remember we always tell secrets!
Secrets that we keep so well from the society.
Tsk tsk tsk ...

Well here's your super duper trooper awesome long post. It's exactly 2am now. Yes, I took quite some time recalling everything because there's many things that we did but it's all jammed up together in my brain.

&I'm still angrehhhh at you, for not continuing from St Andrews Junior School to St Andrews Boys. You make me sick jealous I feel like killing you.

OH YA! Please bear in mind that your puffers are still a promise that I keep. (You know how hard it is to actually find them in this teeny-tiny country?!) Just don't treat them as your stress balls okay Loke if not you die. 1, you die because they're poisonous. 2, My turn to kill you. If I really really cannot find it, I'm sorry.

Today you're Seventeen (I should get you a Seventeen Magazine later, I know you're a boy, I dont care). &In a few hours time we'll be @ Fairmont w the band clique again! (Are you excited, Loke!)

Anyway. I wanted to do something evil to you while you sleep. But I won't be there @ night.
I'll crash the room really early in the morning then. Be surprised on the 17th when you wake up. Be very afraid Loke.

Holy crap I'm like talking to you here!
Myself! This is so embarrassing you know Loke I hate you.
I'm sleepy NAO.

Well this shall be the post that makes you smile later when you wake up from your masculine slumber okay. Well, not forgetting your friend's post too!

Have a great Birthday, I'm sure&Of course you will !
Sleep tight don't let the monsters bite!
See you later.

PS; Whatever it is, I want you to put in 101% for O's this year. Go SAJC, anywhere, I just want you to go somewhere and be happy. Remember your promise with me!

PSS; Loke I love caucasians so much. HAHAHAHAHA.


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