Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy 17th Birthday LOKE!

1. Your blog email & posting layout is retro! Shall give you my password and see mine.

2. No wonder i gonna be bankrupt soon.Because you spend all my all your pocket money that I gave you on branded stuff!

3. Ah boy arh, you're 17-year-old already, now big enough to think. So dun anyhow spend your ah bu's money ok? Must control!

4. Be more confident and pick up your courage soon, to confess it out!

5. Bandmates are human being too, loves to kpo and gossip alot.So do share your stuff/problems to us. Cause we love to gossip. Dun always keep things to yourself nor stress yourself too much.

6. Remember, bandmates love to gossip.

7. I have a birthday wish. Guess it.

8. Dun play play. Study hard for your Os this year!

9. You know I love you, because you are my son.So must control of spending money on branded stuff.

10. Please dun anyhow sing high pitch song, it's scary.

11. No matter how hard or stressful your life is, life still goes on. (:

12. Thanks LWG, for being there for me. Thanks for all the scolding when im emo. Cause your elmo entertained me.

13. I feel like Siyan is growing up, become more strong and mature after so much things happened.

14. Please stay healthy and strong, LWG!

15. Thank you LWG, for being part of my life! Let's wish that we will still be a clique in 20 years, 100000000000 years times! Even though have lot of conflicts sometimes, but i still enjoy it alot. I'll never regret of joining Yuying Band, because I know you, and the rest. You add colours to my life, not just abit, but alot of colours. (: (like WOW!)

16. I shall end here!


WOW! 17 points is really hard to think! But all the above are from the bottom of my heart!
So do treasure and cherish what you have now! Enjoy yourself later on, LOKE WENG GUAN!
Hopes you like all the presents from us, as well as your friends too.

Time Checked:2.45(AM)
With ♥, SY.


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