Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alright . All of the sudden . I have the mood to blog .
Ok , it's something really personal which maybe you wouldn't want to read .
Maybe you could click the Red Cross button .
So i take it as you wanna read eh ?
Alright , there's lots of things i found out about me !
Really me .
Just a few .
1) I tend to get very very emotional when no one entertain me .
2) I really dont understand myself at times .
3) I get high V.easily . ( you can ask whoever that know me )
4) I don't have a very close relationship with my sister .
5) I'm very very sensitive .
6) I've got a serious attitude problem to those i dont like .
7 ) I do things which depends on my mood .
8) I'm irritating .
9) I dont love myself .
Yea , this is what i found out about myself .
Heh , weird eh ?
Alright , do comment .
And really , if you know me wel enough you would notice all these .


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