Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello people .
Back to blogging .
and anyway . There's someone that called me .
I was about to post the person's number .
after school activities are killing me . having remedial like everyday .
& FYI , my phone broke down in another word { died }
it died again . like forever . whatever eh .
i'm now surviving with Joey's phone & bigbig thank you for her .
I'm actually buying her phone . It's so freaking retarded + i don't want to owe her big time .
school is like fine recently i guess .
& i found out my brain went super dead recently .
kind of suddenly . example for today .
i was with my bandmates . they were buying some food stuffs .
my brain suddenly turned off for like 3 second .
i was staring at the stall for at least 5 second .
i can't remember what i did . but i only remember that my brain was totally dead .
i knew there's message , but i was like did the phone virbrate ?
heh , weird eh ?
i finish english homework in class today .
i'm such a good boy .
random .
Have you guys saw today New's Paper ?
It's actually quite a hot topic eh .
A 31 year old female teacher had sexs with a 15 year old school kid boy .
The news goes like this .
A FORMER school teacher had sex with a 15-year-old student six times in chalets and even in her matrimonial flat.
On Monday, the 32-year-old mother of one pleaded guilty to having sex with the youth, which began in March last year. She tried to break off the relationship when she found the teen becoming overly possessive and temperamental. But he refused.
A district court heard that when she insisted on ending their affair and ignoring his phone calls and text messages, he threatened to kill her and her family.
Fearing that he would carry them out, she confided in her school counsellor, who referred the matter to the school principal on May 15 last year. The next day she made a police report.
In court on Monday, the bespectacled woman, clad in a long white-sleeve blouse and dark blue pants, admitted to one charge of sex with a minor under 16. This is the first case of its kind involving a woman. If convicted, she faces a jail term of up to 10 years or fine or both. .
Deputy Public Prosecutor Royce Wee said the woman was teaching Chinese language and civil moral education in a primary school where the victim was in Primary 6 in 2007. She did not teach his class.
After a school trip to China, the two began calling and SMSing each other frequently. Over time, she became fond of him and began to treat him as her godson, showering him with a lot of care and attention.
When he was promoted to secondary 1, they continued to meet. They also went window shopping, watched movies and had meals together.
They began to develop intimate feelings for each each. The boy finally told her he had fallen for her, and she agreed to be his girlfriend. On March 10 last year, she booked a chalet in Pasir Ris and had sex with him.
yea , that's for it .
it's kind of a way cool eh ?
the teacher is like a big fat loser .
she had sex with the boy while she got like children already .
+ ended up is the teacher go report to the police .
& they had like sex together for SIX times .
4 of it was in a chalet . 2 of it was in the teacher house !
well .....
Typical .
For more news, go down and get your copy or go to this link ! http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_336060.html?vgnmr=1
Heh .
At least there's something that you could hop to my blog !
anw , i've got nothing much to post .
life seems like a striahgt line now .
everyday is like the same old damn thing . { boring }
i'll be rather busy this month .
so if you wanna ask me out . book me in advance . {teehee}
i wish to town with my bandmates soon . * raise eyebrown *
so how you guys gonna spent your this coming saturday eh ?
& freaking stupid . i've got band this sat until 5 . faggot .
irritating . really irritating . it's from lwg's pov { point of view } anyway .
comment however you want . gossip all you all want .
because i simply dont give a damn .
i'm still a band geek , but not as much as a geek anymore .
i'm a studying geek now .
time change .
alright , shut up and drive . Just finish doing with the skin .
faggot .
PS : I won't be tagging people still . & i can't be bother to entertain that ass :D
2nd edit-ing .
Please visit my friend blog .
She selling cap which you can't find in singapore !
So what are you waiting for ? Click the link NOW .
Joanne , you owe me big time . Hahahaha .
anw , the cap are instock ! Yea !
Tag and get to her blog and get back to mine again :D
Tag replies .
Henry - read already . Hahahaha , i'm not that disgusting !
Yaoxiong - Rubbish .
AMANDA - hahahaha , ok lah . it's fake one . teehee .
HX - you will see how firece i can go .
venice - Ya right , you love me scolding you guys eh ? Heh . I'm more to naggy hor . I know .
Benjaumin - Rubbish lah you .
Shawn - Heh . Ok lah , find someday i go tag .
Henry - Hahaha , dont need lah . waste time only . Waste time on that faggot ? No way .
Junisa - Hahahha , i'm so not gonna watch time on that ass . Heeee .
DANWEI - okok , bridget is yours . * give bridget to danwei * { SMILE }
Catherine - Hahaha , cool ! Good luck !
SY - you also hor . Stop emoing .
Lisa - the chocolate is still with me lah . Aiyo .
Noel - Lol ?!
weikang - linked .
syzani - Linked .


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